Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It only took 39 years to find out...

that I have many "designer flaws", as I prefer to call them. It's amazing what a bone scan can show you. Three days before Christmas I fell walking to a friend's house carrying 6 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange. I saved the cookies, and didn't really think I was hurt. During Christmas Break, I walked over 32 miles in 8 days. Each time I walked I had severe pain in both lower legs. Finally after a few weeks passed, I decided to see my podiatrist suspecting foot problems. He was pretty certain I had a stress fracture in my left tibia, so a bone scan was ordered. Long story short...bone scan showed a stress fracture in the navicular bone on my left foot. The dr. also pointed out that I do have scoliosis, and one leg is shorter than the other. Mark asked why he didn't get a discount when he married me. I was quick to remind him that he is only 5' 4".

Simple solution to all my "designer flaws", custom made orthotics. Hoping to have them in another week. Right now I'm getting by with inserts. I'm back to walking about 40 minutes each day, pain free. Welcome to 40! Ha!

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Goodness girl! you're falling apart.